Un vasetto di lucciole. Lavoretti per l’estate: un semplice progetto che può essere preparato anche coi bambini più piccoli, economico e veloce, e che si trasforma in un intrattenimento rilassante e un po’ magico, proprio come le lucciole.

Materiale occorrente:
– un vasetto di vetro con coperchio
– bianco di vaselina (è molto economico e si trova nei negozi di hobbistica, reparto imbottigliamento vini), in alternativa si può usare anche olio di semi
– colore fluorescente giallo o verde (si può anche preparare riciclando vecchi evidenziatori, come ho fatto qui)
– acquarello azzurro diluito in acqua tonica (se si vuole esaltare l’effetto fluorescente sotto luce nera, ma non è affatto indispensabile), altrimenti nel latte
– un pennellino
– brillantini argento
– eventualmente colla a caldo per sigillare il coperchio.

Come di fa:
il bambino travasa il bianco di vaselina (o l’olio di semi) nel barattolo, fermandosi a circa un dito dall’orlo:

Col pennellino mette nel vasetto una goccia di colore alla volta:

quindi aggiunge dei brillantini argentati (senza esagerare):

A jar of fireflies. A simple project that can be prepared even with younger children, cheap and fast, and that turns into a relaxing and a little magic entertainment , just like fireflies.

During the preparation one can speak of density of liquids (fluorescent color, which is water-based, is heavier than the oil and tends to go down) and solubility, mixtures and blends.
With younger children put the drops of color in the jar is an exercise in concentration and patience, and you can also play to count them, setting a number in advance: learn to stop arrived at the right number is a very important exercise that, among many others sets the stage for learning mathematical concepts in the following years.

Children love to know how things are made, and when they see the bowls of snow “buy” will have no doubts about how they work … in fact it’s the same principle.
This kind of ties between experience manual and objects of reality, even better if they are determined at random and spontaneous, increase self-esteem and have those little gestures that, experience after experience, stimulate the passion for studying and learning, from when it is very small …

A jar of fireflies
What do you need?
– A glass jar with lid
– White Vaseline (is very cheap and is found in hobby shops, bottling department), alternatively you can also use vegetable oil
– Fluorescent yellow or green color (you can also prepare recycling old markers, as I did here)
– Watercolor blue diluted in tonic water (if you want to enhance the fluorescent effect under black light, but is not essential), otherwise in milk
– A brush
– Silver glitter
– Possibly hot glue to seal the lid.

A jar of fireflies
What to do?
The child pours the white Vaseline (or seed oil) into the jar, stopping at about a finger from the brink:

With brush sets in the jar a drop of color at a time:

then adds silver glitter (no exaggeration):

We must also add with a teaspoon more white vaseline (or oil), a teaspoon at a time, until you get to the edge of the jar, then screw the lid and possibly seal it with hot glue.
The cap can be decorated with a circle of cloth or felt and a pretty ribbon: