CANTI DI NATALE – Qualche semplice canzoncina natalizia per l’Inglese con testo, spartito stampabile e file mp3 scaricabile gratuitamente.

CANTI DI NATALE – A bear named Christmas
per flauto dolce e canto – testo

There was a bear named Christmas with a very bright shiny nose.
He would come home to his mommy and go outside to play in the snow.
He’d build a snowman. And it sat there all alone.
He’d invite his friends to play along and go outside in the snow.
He went inside to the fire and sat down to warm his hands.
Then he drank some hot cocoa and it tasted really really good.
He’d build a snowman. And it sat there all alone.
He’d invite his friends to play along and go outside in the snow.

CANTI DI NATALE – A bear named Christmas
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CANTI DI NATALE – Ho ho ho – Una canzoncina facile facile in Inglese in tema natalizio

Ho ho ho – testo

Gather ‘round the Christmas tree
Let’s sing some carols
Then we can go outside
and play out in the snow
Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas
Santa’s coming to town
Open up the presents
I got new shoes
Let’s drink hot cocoa
and eat some food
Ho ho ho Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas  Merry Christmas
ho ho ho, Merry Christmas
Santa’s coming to town.

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