DIY Montessori geometric cabinet, with free patterns and very detailed instructions to make the material on their own with little expense.

If you prefer to buy it:

[wpmoneyclick id=89882 /]

An iOS app:

[wpmoneyclick id=94443 /]

If you do not have much time to devote to building materials but have sufficient economic resources, models can certainly be passed to a woodworker 🙂 … and if they are also to be lacking the resources you can expect to print, cut out and laminate directly all.

However, given that in the latter case you will get a difficult material to handle for the child, and you should give up the central pin that does not have a decorative function, but it serves to stimulate the proper grip index and middle finger against the thumb, in preparation to the handle of the pencil.

The Montessori geometric cabinet has six drawers-tray so prepared:

DIY Montessori geometric cabinet

To build them on their own, in the web will find the models for free printable size in this site (click on Geometric Cabinet Insets).

Also the cards are very useful for the exercises with the sensory geometric shapes, even if they do not serve to the construction of the trays.

It is assorted cards in full forms, with broad outlines and subtle contours and make riferimanto in shape and size to the contents of the trays (Click line cards thin, thick, solid).

The methods of construction more simple are these:

With polystyrene 

Printed patterns and cut them out with the utmost precision.

I have them still plasticized because after construction, I can keep the models for use in geometry class with older children.

Copy the models on polystyrene and proceed to cut, before form, then the square outline:

Inserting a nail your child will have a great material for gripping:

Then proceed to color the pieces, choosing two bright, contrasting colors. The disadvantage of this method is that you will get a very cumbersome material also in height, because of the nails …

With thick cardboard

For the pin for grip I made in this way:

After having prepared forms and frames, I have gone to build the trays:

To know how to use the Montessori geometric cabinet, and view the original Montessori material go here.


Disclaimer: “Per redigere questa mia presentazione ho utilizzato i miei album e appunti personali e consultato vari album di altri autori e articoli nel web. Per leggere online o acquistare le copie legali di tali opere consultate segui i link:
– Sensorial primary guide di
– Album for ages 3-6 – Sensorial di montessoriteacherscollective (Moteaco)
– Montessori teacher album – Sensorial di
– Sensorial album di
– The casa 2,5-6 years – sensorial di montessoricommons
– Sensorial development di
Module 3: Exercises of sensory development di
– Sensorial teacher manual di
Primary class curriculum – second year di
Sensorial teaching manual – primary ages di montessoriprintshop
– Early childhood curruculum – Montessori sensorial manual di
Sensorial Manual Infant and Toddler e Sensorial Manual Early Childhood
di, che ha suggerito l’aggiunta di questo disclaimer in accordo con la sua politica di copyright.
Ho inoltre consultato i testi di riferimento di Maria Montessori per gli esercizi sensoriali:
Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle case dei bambini
La scoperta del bambino
Per una bibliografia completa delle opere di Maria Montessori vai qui.


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